WP3 blog 1

DNA Definition: Shape, Replication, and Mutation

    For my writing project three topic, I will discuss the ethical dilemma with scientists editing DNA in human embryos. So far, I have gathered some information on the benefits and negative attributes. A positive that has the scientific community excited about is being able to cut/take out defects in DNA. So if a mutation is spotted, all the scientists have to do is cut out the problem to cure the condition. A quick and effective way. As for a negative, quite a significant amount of people expressed the long term challenges socially. Many scientists say that having people biologically smarter will create a superiority aspect among people. There are more facts about this topic but this is the direction I am heading in. 


  1. This topic of genetic editing in embryos is an especially interesting concept that also brings into account many ethical questions. I would be interested to know if you explored the ethics surrounding the embryos that would be experimented on and the system of accountability if something were to go wrong.


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